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Churches Stronger

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Introducing Churches Stronger

Churches Stronger is a new platform for sending the Truth Centered Transformation material. Instead of the usual training twice a year we are launching a new week by week format that is delivered via WhatsApp. The materials have been designed to teach to a small group or preach to your congregation. It’s free for anyone to join, and you don’t need to be a pastor or leader. If you just want to get the materials for your own growth, then feel free to sign up

What is TCT? 

TCT is a wholistic discipleship programme aimed at helping believers to learn to walk in obedience to God in every area of life. We have seen that, as they do, God is glorified, churches grow, believers mature, and communities are transformed. We’ve seen endless stories of people whose marriages were healed, who increased their incomes, poor who were helped and—in over 1000 cases—the whole community was transformed.

We have been running the TCT programme for almost 20 years, and we are now in more than 20 countries. You can learn more about the programme through the following links: 

Who can sign up to this programme?

Anyone. When you sign up we will ask you if you are planning to share it with other pastors and leaders, teach or preach it to others, or use it for personal growth. That’s just to make sure you get the right set of materials. 

For those who are preaching and teaching, we will offer webinars, which will help answer any questions, give you the opportunity to go deeper with the material, and provide a time for you to let us know what changes you would like to see in the future. 

What happens after I sign up?

Every 2-3 months we start a new group – when you sign up, you will be added to the next session. Once the new session starts, you will receive a weekly lesson via WhatsApp similar to the sample below. The lessons cover a variety of topics, like: wholistic ministry, loving our neighbours, strengthening marriage, and managing money. We will send approximately 40 lessons a year so that you have plenty of time to teach or preach other topics that may be important to your group. 

Have a question? Send us an email at

Sample Lesson

Love God, Love your neighbour

What is TCT?

Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life

© 2021 Reconciled World

Reconciled World