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A Marriage Transformed in Uganda

In many places all over the world, there are incredibly broken beliefs and customs about marriage that even Christians accept. Often when TCT trainers teach the Marriage and Family Module, they learn that it is “normal” for Christian marriages to include verbal and physical abuse. Some wives welcome black eyes as a symbol of their husband’s love. Many men believe that the Bible teaches that women are possessions no different than houses or cattle. That’s why we were so excited to receive this story from one of our Uganda training teams recently:

Sharon is married to Samuel Wandowo and they have four children. Now pregnant with their fifth child, she gets tired so often and can’t finish her household chores and gardening each day. Typically, the husband would give his wife a beating for not finishing her work. But Sharon and Samuel have recently attended the TCT Marriage and Family training. Because of the training, Samuel realised that Sharon was his helper—not his servant or possession—and that he needed to show her love through acts of service. Now Samuel, against tradition, opted to joyfully help his wife in household chores and in the garden. This family is now living more happily because Samuel is showing acts of service to his wife.

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