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Rediscovering Talents to Bless a Community

Yesuratnam is a pastor of the Covenant church in Suryapet, Nalgonda district. Before he became a Christian, he had finished a three-year medical practitioners’ course and practiced his medical profession to take care his family. When he became a Christian, he felt called to full-time ministry, so he gave up his medical profession. He became pastor of a church in a slum of 600 families and leads two fellowships in other places as well.

Through TCT Module 1 and 2, Yesuratnam learned that he needs to use his talents to show God’s love to the community. He realized that he was not using his medical knowledge and practitioner license, so he decided to use his skills and knowledge to show God’s love. He started to go door-to-door, asking families about their health and providing a general check-up free of charge. People in the church donated money to buy medicine for simple treatments. With the help of a church member who has access to a medicine wholesaler, Yesuratnam is able to provide some medicine at low cost for more serious illnesses. Because of Yesuratnam’s good reputation, the wholesaler allowed families to have the medicine they need, and pay for it whenever they have money.

For these people, who live in plastic tents and only go to the hospital when their illness is at a critical state, this is a great blessing. They are thankful to Yesuratnam for giving free medical service and teaching them about health. Not only that, he prays for them as well. When we visited this area, we could see that people trust him and are very accepting of him. Many people invited us to pray for their family as we were walking by their house.

The church did another Act of Love. They helped one poor family to get a loan from a bank. This family had moved to this slum one year ago. They were so much in debt that the bank refused to give a loan to them. After learning about this family’s situation, the church as a whole decided to give a guarantee and vouch for this family to get a business loan from the bank. Now, with help from the church, this family is earning money from a brick business and starting to pay back their debt. As a result of their selfless services and their love for the community, twenty new members have been added to the church and more people are open to the Gospel.

We are grateful for pastor Yesuratnam and his church—that they are willing to serve their community with love. Praise God that He used their obedience and multiplied their efforts to bring big change to the community. To God be the glory!

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