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New Citizens

After attending a TCT seminar, Pastor Man from Bethel Community Church was inspired to help the Musar community. Musar people are known as an untouchable people group. Since they are poor and untouchable, nobody cares for them and they often go unnoticed. This community has lived in the area for many generations but had not registered their name at the local government. Consequently they did not have citizenship and were not able to have legal paperwork for their land. Without this paperwork they were unable to develop their land in any way. One of the children in the area, Lalu Musar was a very good student, but was unable to continue his schooling because he did not have the required documentation. He was an orphan. Both his parents had died four years earlier and he was living with his old grandfather. While everyone knew about the lack of registration, no one was willing to help him.

The TCT seminar helped the pastor to think about the community and start to think about how the church could help them. After attending the seminar, he went back to the church and shared what he learned and the needs of the Musar community. They were inspired but also a little overwhelmed as to how to help. They were ordinary people and had never done anything like this before. With prayer they went to the community, talked to them, heard about the problems and tried to think what they could do to help.

They went to the local government office to investigate possibilities. The local government officer suggested that if seven people could send a recommendation to local government, the local government can help them to have citizenship. In the recommendation they needed to document the history of the community. Beyond that they also needed the recommendation of the local police. The church was able to help do all the necessary work. As a result of their small efforts speaking on behalf of the community, the people got citizenship and their property was registered in their name. Lalu got an opportunity to go to school at a higher level (usually they do not go to school) in a nearby city with the help of the church. Not only this, but the church was appreciated by the local police and also the district administration office. This work not only helps the community but also helps the church to understand that they are capable of doing so much more than they thought. Community people are very much thankful to the church and believe that, because of this small work of service, many will come to the saving knowledge of Christ.

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