Hopefully you have had a chance to check out our updated and revised Practitioner’s Guide posted in January. Even if you have been leading a TCT program for a while, we recommend occasionally looking back at the Practitioner’s Guide and reviewing the Key Practices. The Key Practices were developed from asking ourselves the question “What does a leader need to keep in mind as they are leading a TCT program, making decisions each day, and facing different situations?” The Key Practices are intended to help leaders avoid common mistakes and frustrations. They include some of the ideas we repeat a lot, like Teach Obedience to God, Teach Truth, Remember the Lies, Keep it Small and Simple, and Start with What you Have. Other Key Practices include Allow God to be the ‘Hero’, Change is Produced by What we DO, Recognize it will look Messy, and Be aware of the Adoption Curve. Even if these sound familiar to you, taking some time to occasionally review them will likely reveal some helpful new ideas for addressing problems or learning to lead your TCT program even better.

What are the Key Practices?
Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life
© 2021 Reconciled World