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Caring for the Sick and Injured in Malawi

One group of 12 villages had no way of carrying people to the hospital when they fall sick. The churches who had been studying TCT saw this as an opportunity to show love to their communities. They conducted a paper drive Sunday in order to raise money to buy a bicycle ambulance and a bicycle. With this bicycle ambulance, they are able to carry sick or injured people to the hospital and can also transport the dead to a burial place. The churches handed over the bicycle ambulance to the village health committee in the presence of village headman Mitengo and the head man of all 12 villages. This act greatly strengthened the church’s relationship with the community leaders and the hospital. Since the bicycle ambulance went into use, they have found that many people prefer it to a motorized ambulance, even when that is available. Seeing how appreciated the bicycle ambulance is, a friend of the pastor donated two more bicycles to be used for this purpose. Praise God for multiplying the acts of His people when they choose to obey and seek the good of their community!

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