Module 1: Introduction to
Wholistic Ministry Online Learning
This module is an introduction to wholistic ministry. We are reminded how the gospel impacts every area of life and our call to love our neighbor. We look at practical steps for how we can get started with loving through Acts of Love.
Click on a lesson below to watch the video content and begin studying!
- Lesson 1: The Whole Story
- Lesson 2: People are important to God
- Lesson 3: Love God, Love Neighbor
- Lesson 4: Growing in all areas
- Lesson 5: God wants the church to help
- Lesson 6: What are some needs we can help with?
- Lesson 7: Kingdom Mathematics
- Lesson 8: Acts of Love
- Lesson 9: Organizing an Act of Love
Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life
© 2021 Reconciled World