Available Translations
The training materials are currently being translated into more than 30 languages. Below is a list of the available languages. To download copies of the translated materials please login to the members section (membership is free).
If you don’t see the language you are looking for please send us an email at connect@tctprogram.org, not all languages have been posted due to security concerns. Please also email us if you would like to translate these materials into another language. We want to ensure you are not duplicating someone else’s efforts and we would like to share your efforts with others from the same language group.
- Acholi
- Arabic (South Sudan)
- Atesto
- Bangla
- Bas Congo Kikongo-Fioti
- Bengali
- Burmese
- Chichewa
- Creole (Haitian)
- Ewe
- French
- Hindi
- Kiswahili (Tanzania)
- Kejong
- Khmer
- Kikongo
- Kumamu
- Lingala
- Lugandan
- Luo
- Lusoga
- Malagasy
- Ndebele
- Nepalese
- Ngakarimojong
- Oriya
- Portuguese
- Punjab
- Runyankore-Rukiga
- Spanish
- Shona
- Sinhalese
- Swahili (DRC)
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Tonga
- Tshuluba
Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life
© 2021 Reconciled World