The first Acts of Love must be simple things that the church can do with no funding. There are many things churches can do to show love to their communities without spending any money. Some activities we’ve seen churches do include cleaning trash from roads or water channels, cleaning a school or clinic, visiting people in prison or hospital, and improving a road with hand tools. These Acts of Love take time and hard work, but cost nothing. Trainers and facilitators can point out resources God has given the church that they may be overlooking—things like clay-rich soil, scrub buckets, and strong backs. We should then encourage churches to ask God to show them the needs in their own community and how He would have them use what they have to show love to their neighbors.

How do we fund our first Acts of Love?
Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life
© 2021 Reconciled World