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Churches Care for Communities’ Health

One Master Trainer in India pastors four churches. This year, he and his churches were trained in the Health Module. Not only did they improve their own health and hygiene practices as a result of their new knowledge, but the churches wanted to show God’s love to their communities by helping their neighbors to improve their health.

Looking at the needs in their communities, they realized that high blood pressure and blood sugar were common problems, and that there was no government health facility nearby. They considered what God had given them: one of their members was a Rural Medical Practitioner (RMP) and another worked for Apollo Pharmacy (a large drug store chain in India). So the churches decided to steward these members’ talents, training, and connections by holding a medical camp for the whole community.  

The member who worked for Apollo Pharmacy approached his supervisor with the idea of donating medicine and supplies that would normally be thrown out because it was approaching its expiration date. The company agreed to make a donation. About 300 people came to the medical camp, and benefitted from the health teaching provided by the pastor and RMP. They talked about personal hygiene and how to keep the community clean for everyone’s benefit. Those who attended also received soap, dustbins, brooms, medicine, and other materials.

Because of the medical camp, the churches’ relationship with the communities and local government is much stronger. The Village Chief expressed appreciation to the pastor in front of the whole crowd. The community also decided to continue the health initiative by partnering with the church to clean the common areas on the second Saturday of every month. Now the whole community is clean, and the local government officials have honored the pastor because of his concern for the villages. The Village Chief asked the pastor what he could do to help him, and the pastor said, “I do not expect anything from you, but you can support education for poor children.” So the Village Chief has provided school supplies for needy children.

Praise God for using this Act of Love to strengthen these churches’ relationship with their communities and local leaders!

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