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A New Home for A Sick Man

There was a kind hearted pastor in Nepal who felt compassion for the suffering of those around him. But he believed his role as a pastor was only to care for those in his church. With his own lack of resources, he did not believe there was anything he or his church could do to help others. 

After attending just one module of the TCT training, this pastor began wondering what his church could do to help a man who was suffering in their community. This young man had double kidney failure and spent all of his money for treatment. The man’s house was leaking and unstable. When the pastor taught his church the first module of TCT, they decided together to fix this man’s house. 

The church began collecting the funds and materials they needed. They initially decided to keep the project as simple as possible but, as they began working, they were motivated by love to add an extra room and beautiful paint. The church members were excited to bless this man in a tangible way and even the local government leaders noticed and appreciated what the church had done.

Simple practical training
to help churches
experience God’s
transforming power in
every area of life

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