Many Christians around the world love God with all their hearts, but believe that due to their poverty, they are unable to follow God’s call to love their neighbors. They see desperation around them, yet they wait for someone outside of the community to solve these problems. They often believe God has forgotten them and that they are powerless to change their lives or their communities.
TCT combats these lies by teaching pastors in remote parts of Africa and Asia that God has not forgotten them but blessed them with resources that can be used to share God’s love with their neighbors.
A church in the Democratic Republic of Congo grabbed hold of these lessons and decided that they could do something to help their community. The women of the church had skills they had learned at various points in their life. Some women knew how to make soap. Others baked bread or made handicrafts. The church gathered these women together to have them train community members in these trades. They focused on vulnerable people such as those without jobs and those who had previously turned to prostitution out of their desperation. The church donated money to help get the needed materials and the training began!
Not only did this training improve the lives of vulnerable people in the community who could now get jobs or sell the things they made, but it also showed the church members that God has blessed them. They now know they have many skills that can be used to serve others and bring glory to God’s name.