In many places, Christians feel powerless to help others because of their own poverty and lack. They may wait and hope for nonprofit organizations to come and solve the problems around them. Or they may feel utterly trapped and hopeless at their own lack and the struggles of their neighbors. It can be a powerful revelation to realize that God has not forgotten them and that they already have resources that can be used to help others.
A church in Bangladesh learned that Christians are called to meet the physical needs of those around them and can do so by giving what they already have and showing simple Acts of Love.
Members of the church took this message to heart and identified a widow who had been struggling to meet her needs after losing her husband. A big storm had knocked the roof off her small home leaving her vulnerable to the weather, but she did not have the means to fix it herself.
Even though the church members were poor, they began recognizing what they had to help the widowed woman. One lady started to separate a handful of rice grains every time she cooked. Another saved a few teaspoons of cooking oil and another bought her a few vegetables when she went to the market. One man gave her some bamboo from his thicket while a couple of others bought her wires and nails. Other men gave their time and talents by using the gathered supplies to build her a new roof and make other needed repairs to the house.
Within a couple of days, the woman had a safer home to live in and was touched by the generosity of the Christians. Those who gave generously from what they had were filled with joy to see themselves as kingdom builders used by God. And the community as a whole noticed that the Christians were showing practical love to those around them.